2023 Medical Mission

Dear TCKF Team,
As I reflect on our Medical Mission to El Salvador earlier this year, I continue to be filled with a sense of gratitude and fulfillment. It’s truly remarkable to witness the impact we make in the lives of so many individuals by providing a service that many of us almost take for granted.
This year, our team saw an astonishing number of patients—over 3,000 in total—during our week-long mission. The dedication and tireless efforts of each member of our team made it possible for us to provide care to those who need it most. Wow. So inspiring!
One of the aspects I enjoy most about the TCKF’s missions is the planning and camaraderie we experience with our fellow medical professionals. It’s an opportunity to work closely with like-minded individuals who share the same passion for serving others. The unity and teamwork we exhibit during these weeks inspires me and reminds me of why I chose to become a doctor so many years ago. So thank you all for this gift!
This year marked my sixth year leading this expanding team, and I can confidently say that each mission has been different yet equally fulfilling. We encounter new challenges along the way, but our determination and resilience never wavers. The hardest aspect for me personally is always wanting to do more. We witness the immense need for medical care, and it can be frustrating at times that our resources are limited. However, I firmly believe that the impact we make, no matter how small, has the potential to change lives and give back in ways unimaginable.
One of the highlights of this year’s mission was the opportunity to bring young medical professionals in trainingas part of the team. Seeing their enthusiasm and dedication as budding health care providers gives me hope for the future. It was a privilege to educate and serve alongside them, as they brought fresh perspectives and a renewed energy to our team.
Looking ahead, I’m already filled with excitement and anticipation for our next Medical Mission in 2024. Please reach out to me over the coming months with any thoughts and ideas of how we can improve our efforts. Also let me know if you have any initiatives you’d like to see incorporated. I’m all ears! In the meantime, I encourage everyone to continue your fundraising efforts as every penny we raise makes a big difference.
Thank you for being a part of the TCKF family. It was a great week and I’m hopeful to see old friends, as well as meet some new ones, in January!
All the best,